5 Native Flowers Great for Pollinators

The Cincinnati Nature Center has a helpful explanation for why planting native is so popular in today’s Cincinnati gardens:

“Simply put, by planting native flowers we are helping to provide critical food sources and habitat for declining populations of butterflies, bees and all pollinators. Native plants provide nectar for pollinators including hummingbirds, native bees, butterflies, moths, and bats. In addition to providing vital habitat for pollinators, other species of wildlife benefit as well from native plants. Native plants also provide protective shelter for mammals who depend on them for their very survival. The native nuts, seeds, and fruits produced by these plants offer essential foods for all forms of wildlife.”

Here are some of the native flowers we enjoy from Cincinnati Nature Center’s recommendations.


5 Native Perennials Great for Pollinators

These sun-loving perennials come in almost every color. Some varieties reach six inches, while others attain eight feet in height. This highly-versatile native flower can find a spot in any garden.

Black-Eyed Susan

5 Native Perennials Great for Pollinators

From mid-summer until the first freeze, black-eyed susans bring cheer to any garden with their bright, sunny flowers. There are more than two dozen species. Some are perennials, and some are annuals. In the wild, black-eyed susans are actually biennials.


5 Native Perennials Great for Pollinators

This sun-loving bush is great for pollinators– and people, too! When planted in the right location, blueberry plants live and produce for 40-50 years.


5 Native Perennials Great for Pollinators

Almost all species of sunflower are native to North America. Annual varieties are more popular in ornamental gardens, as perennial sunflowers can spread rapidly and become invasive.

Wild Hydrangea

5 Native Perennials Great for Pollinators

Unlike its highly-cultivated cousin, wild hydrangea is loosely and widely branched. The fertile white flowers bloom May-July, and the shrub prefers shade.